Sign Up for the C-Notes

I’ll be 100% transparent with you. I can’t promise anything when you sign up for The C-Notes. You may get random monthly updates, lengthy essays (or ramblings), or nothing at all for stretches of time so long, you’ll wonder if I’ve met an untimely death.

I have no grand manifesto, no agenda, no overarching “value prop” here. I did that with my last newsletter, Osmosis (2021-2024) and it burnt me out. So no weekly rhythm (just because “List Building 101” says so), no last minute pressure to “put content out”, no thank you. Just no.

Here’s what I will promise you though…

If you get an email from me, it’s because I wrote something I genuinely, authentically, felt worth sharing. It could be thoughts on a book I’m reading, rabbit-hole research I burrowed into, or a single distillation of experience from my 16+ years as a marketer, copywriter, and cofounder. You’re free to opt-out anytime. In fact, I encourage you to at the top of every email I send you.